Go, Aviators!
Interscholastic athletics at WMAA exist to teach valuable life lessons to student-athletes, while fostering a professional environment that encourages student-athletes to become self-motivated. WMAA student-athletes are students first and athletes second. Upholding strict academic standards and fostering an environment that is welcoming and encouraging to all student-athletes is essential to being an Aviator. For specific information on WMAA athletics please check out our athletics website (https://wmaaathletics.org/).
All athletes must be registered and have the necessary documentation to participate in interscholastic athletics at WMAA. You can register your student-athlete on our athletics page (https://wmaaathletics.org/Regi...). All student-athletes will be required to have a MHSAA physical on file with the athletic department in order to join a MHSAA sponsored team at WMAA. Get the physical form from the front office or here (https://www.mhsaa.com/i-am/administrators/forms)
Looking to represent WMAA when you are at an athletic event or out and about in the community? Check out our school apparel store for gear that is available for the whole family! (https://thtstores.com/westmichiganaa/shop/home)