FI7 A7055

Student Supports

Mental Health Services 

WMAA understands the impact a student’s mental health has on school success; students who receive social–emotional and mental health support achieve better academically.

The Mental Health Liaison and School Social Worker at WMAA provide students necessary support within the school environment. The mental health team provides a number of wrap-around services, including solution-focused brief therapy and crisis intervention, support groups through the TRAILS program, referral to community agencies, and universal wellness screening.


Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework to provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally in school. Through our MTSS process, the Student Assistance Team (SAT) works to ensure each student in the general education setting is provided the opportunity to find success. For some students, this may require individualized intervention strategies focused on the individual student’s unique needs and skills. The Student Assistance Team meets bi-weekly to review individual students' needs based on current data or referral in order to provide intentional support

Summer School

West Michigan Aviation Academy offers summer school to all students who need to recover credits missed from the previous school year. WMAA provides this six-week program in an effort to keep students on track for graduation. Students may enroll in two summer school courses at a time, and all courses are offered online. Questions regarding summer school should be directed to your student’s counselor.

English Language Learning

Students attending WMAA have different levels of English proficiency. As such, WMAA provides a range of programs and supports to meet the needs of each student, as well as their family. WMAA provides translation and interpretation services to ensure both English learners and their families can be an active participant in our school community.

Identified English Learners (Els) and former English Learners (FELs) have access to a variety of programs and services based on their proficiency levels. ELs have a developed Language Acquisition Plan (LAP) as well as access to direct language instruction (see the Course Selection Handbook for more information).

Both ELs and FELs receive additional support through team communications, provision of resources and materials, and frequent monitoring.

Special Education

WMAA provides special education services to qualifying students. Special education programs and services provide specially designed instruction to address the unique needs of each eligible student. Based on qualifying criteria and data, students may also receive support from a resource room teacher, teacher consultant, or related services provider through their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Special education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program.

504 Plans 

Students with physical or mental impairments that substantially limit a major life activity may be eligible for services under Section 504. Section 504 is intended to “level the playing field” to ensure that equal opportunities exist for students with and without disabilities.

If a student is found eligible under Section 504, a plan will be developed which may include accommodations and/or services to provide equal access to the educational environment.